24 April 2014

Dinner for two

Today I spent the afternoon in Oxford with Lauren. We sat in the sun whilst munching on a Pret lunch, swooned at the new Zara collection and spent far too long in Curry's. On June 19th I go to Ibiza for a month; 2 weeks for a vitality retreat and 2 weeks for a family holiday. As I have been invited to work on the retreat, on the condition I blog about it, I decided it was about time I purchased a camera, as my trusty iPhone 4S just wouldn't match up.

Having spent about 1hr30mins in Curry's, with Lauren patiently describing every camera function under the sun to me, I decided the only way to repay her was to invite her over for dinner (also a great way to try out my new toy!)

As we both had a lot to do this evening, such as preparing for interviews / uni work / relaxing (!) we decided to make an easy but delicious dinner, comprising mainly of veggies. Admittedly by the time we had prepared a lot of the above ingredients we realised we had gone massively overboard and ended up using half the veggies we'd bought in the first place!


Essentially all we did was add a little olive oil, garlic, sage, mixed herbs, salt and pepper to the veggies and roasted them. Then we cut up the chicken, added mixed herbs and lemon. Simple but so tasty.

Colourful food tends to be better for you, which is why I continually aim to make my plate hold every colour of the rainbow. Yellow and orange foods contain carotenoids (an antioxidant) and vitamin A, which is great for eyesight and your skin. We all know that green veggies are good for us, I don't need to go into why as the benefits are endless. Tomatoes and other red fruits contain lycopene which, again, is a fab antioxidant. Lycopene has been shown to protect the body against cancers such as prostate cancer, as well as heart disease. Not only are there health benefits to colour but it makes the plate more aesthetically pleasing AND appetising.


It was lovely to catch up about all that's been going on over Easter, and what we're up to over the summer. The sun was slowly setting and it was very mild outside; there was something quite therapeutic about food prepping in the garden!

Hope everyone is having a good week. I'm off to London tomorrow so might take some photos en route. Have a lovely weekend!

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